February 27th, 2009 — 12:00am
Here’s my presentation from the Italian IA Summit on Killzone.com as a leading example of the next generation of Massively Social On-line Games.
As usual, I try to share some of the best thinking on these ideas; in this case I quote liberally from Nicole Lazarro. (I hope she takes this as a compliment.) Her insights into the emotional drivers for social and game experiences and the nature of cross media are – no surprise – right on, and coming true years after first publication.
Some of the more eye-opening material I discovered while looking into the design of this game / community hybrid concerns the direct connection between game mechanics (a design question), the space of possible choices for players, the emotions these choices inspire and encourage, and the resulting experience of the game environment.
From the functional to the psychological, it seems there really is an ‘architecture of fun’ for both games and social experiences. It is just another example of how architecture of any (and all) kinds is an enormous influencing factor on peoples’ experiences.
This is the first of two parts – stay tuned for the follow-up, once we clear the disclosure question.
A slidecast will follow shortly, now that my laptop is back in working order, and I can fire up ScreenFlow.
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February 13th, 2009 — 12:00am
I’ll be speaking at the Italian IA Summit next week on some of the exciting work MediaCatalyst has been doing in the area of massively social on-line games. We’re the digital agency behind Killzone.com, the integrated on-line community for the Killzone game series, which is just about to release it’s second installment (selling well – KillZone 2 is #10 on Amazon, in pre-orders alone).
I think hybrid experiences that combine games dynamism and sophisticated social spaces are a very important part of the future for interactive experiences, and the organizers have been kind enough to offer us the opening keynote, so if you can get a ticket to Forli, we’d love to see you in the audience.

Here’s the full description of our talk:
Co-evolution of a Socially Rich Game Experience and Community Architecture
What form will the next generation of interactive experiences take? The exact nature of the future is always unknown. But now that everything is ‘social’, and games are a fully legitimate cultural phenomenon more profitable and more popular than Hollywood films, we can expect to see the emergence of experiences that combine aspects of games and social media in new ways.
One example of a hybrid experience that combines game elements and complex social interactions is the cross-media environment formed by the popular Killzone games and their companion site Killzone.com. By design, the Killzone games and the Killzone.com site have co-evolved over time to interconnect on many levels. In the most recent version (planned for public release in early 2009), the game console and web site experiences work in concert to enhance gameplay with sophisticated social dynamics, and provide an active community destination that is ‘synchronized’ with events in the game in real time. The hybrid Killzone environment allows active game players and community members to move back and forth between game and web experiences, with simultaneous awareness of and connection to people and events in both settings.
Leading games researcher and designer Nicole Lazzaro calls these hybrid experiences ‘Massively Social On-line Games’. In these types of interactive experiences, players build meaningful histories for individual characters and groups of all sizes through competitive and cooperative interactions that take place in the linked game and community contexts. Game mechanisms and social architecture elements are designed to encourage the accumulation of shared experiences, group identities, and collective histories. Over time, designers hope shared experiences will serve as the basis for a body of social memory.
This case study will follow the co-evolution of Killzone and Killzone.com, revisiting major business and design decisions in context, examining the changing nature of the community, and considering the lessons learned at each stage of the development of this early example of the next generation of massively social on-line game.
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December 8th, 2005 — 12:00am
Katrina’s ill winds are bringing some good, in the form of increased awareness of and willingness to consider New Urban architecture and urban planning options for the rebuilding Gulf Coast towns.
I first encountered New Urbanism while reading William Kunstler’s The Geography of Nowhere. Kunstler has written several additional books exploring the creation and evolution of the modern American suburbanscape since The Geography of Nowhere, all of them making reference to New Urbanism. It’s recently popped up in two articles the NY Times. The first, Out of the Muddy Rubble, a Vision for Gulf Coast Towns, by Bradford McKee, recounts the efforts of architects and planners from a variety of perspectives, including members of the Congress for the New Urbanism, to put forth a viable plan for the healthy redevelopment of damaged Gulf Coast towns.
If you’ve not heard yet, New Urbanism advocates the creation of walkable, human scale communities emphasizing mixed use envionments with patterns and structure that allow people to meet daily needs without reliance on automobiles. In short, New Urbanism is an architecture and planning framework that actively opposes sprawl.
Sprawl benefits the short term at the expense of the long term. Critics of New Urbanism often choose to interperet it as a school that restricts the rights of individual property owners, rather than as a series of positive guidelines for how to design communities that are healthy in the long run. But of course that’s always been the short-term view of the long-term greater good…
The dramaticly differing points of view in favor of and opposed to New Urbanist approaches come through very clearly in this exchange:
The Miami architect Andres Duany, a principal figure in the New Urbanism movement, urged the casino owners to integrate the casinos more seamlessly among new clusters of retail stores and restaurants rather than as isolated establishments.
Describing his vision, Mr. Duany said, “You step out onto a beautiful avenue, where you can get a chance to look at the water and the marvelous sunsets and the shops, and walk up and down to restaurants and easily find taxis to other places.“
But Mr. Duany’s design sharply clashed with the casino owners’ main priority.
“A casino owner wants people to stay on the property,” said Bernie Burkholder, president and chief executive of the Treasure Bay Casino, in Biloxi.
“As running-dog capitalist casino owners, we need to understand that the community fits together,” he added, “but we need an economic unit that will hold the customer.“
The second: Gulf Planning Roils Residents also by Bradford McKee, published a few days after the first on December 8, 2005, captures some of the reactions to the plans from Gulf Coast residents. Naturally, the reactions are mixed.
But it’s important to remember that sprawl is a very temporary and surreal status quo, one that created the utterly improbably ecological niche of the personal riding mower. If that’s not a hot-house flower, then what is?
Some links to resources about New Urbanism:
Conscious Choice
New Urban Timelines
New Urban News
Congress For the New Urbanism
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