3 Conferences In October: BarCampNYC2, UI11, IDEA

Prov­ing that it’s good to get out of the house — even if you’ve just moved in — my sched­ule for Octo­ber includes three con­fer­ences, cov­er­ing both coasts.

In order, you can find me at BarCampNYC2, UI11 in Cam­bridge, and IDEA in Seat­tle.

I’m not pre­sent­ing, so I’m hop­ing to relax and enjoy the ses­sions, speak­ers, and inevitable hall­way con­ver­sa­tions with other mem­bers of the IA / UX / design com­mu­ni­ties. If you’re there and you have a minute, say hello!

ps. Did I men­tion that Bruce Ster­ling is speak­ing at IDEA? How cool is that! Seri­ously, I think this is a good exam­ple of con­ver­gence bring­ing fun­da­men­tally related ideas and ways of think­ing into prox­im­ity. It’s also evi­dence that the IA com­mu­nity is in active search of ground­ing to help us build a point of view on what the future holds — for every­one who inhab­its the infor­ma­tion envi­ron­ments we help cre­ate, not just ourselves.

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