Tag: social_au

Video of ‘Social Interaction Design for Augmented Reality’ from TWAB 2010

July 2nd, 2010 — 12:00am

The good peo­ple at Chi Nether­lands just posted video of my talk “Play­ing Well With Oth­ers: Inter­ac­tion Design and Social Design for Aug­mented Real­ity” at the Web and Beyond 2010 here in Ams­ter­dam in June.  It’s couched as a col­lec­tion of design prin­ci­ples for the oncom­ing cat­e­gory of social aug­mented inter­ac­tions made pos­si­ble by the new medium of aug­mented real­ity.  But this talk is also a call to action for all mak­ers of expe­ri­ences for the emerg­ing engage­ment space of every­ware to focus on the human and the humane per­spec­tives as we explore the new inter­ac­tions made possible.

The out­line of the talk is roughly:

  1. Overview of aug­mented reality
  2. Social inter­ac­tion per­spec­tive on cur­rent AR experiences
  3. Def­i­n­i­tion of ‘social aug­mented experiences’
  4. Com­mon inter­ac­tion design pat­terns for AR
  5. Social ‘anti-patterns’ lim­it­ing design of aug­mented experiences
  6. Design prin­ci­ples for social aug­mented experiences

(The audio qual­ity is quite good, and the cam­era­man cap­tured most of the slides nicely — so this is a record­ing worth watching.)

This year’s TWAB fea­tured sev­eral talks on aug­mented real­ity, ubiq­ui­tous com­put­ing and related top­ics; you’ll find record­ings of these on the Chi Ned­er­land Vimeo chan­nel: http://vimeo.com/chinederland

Many thanks to the orga­niz­ers and vol­un­teers for putting on such a well-run event!

TWAB2010: Joe Lamantia – Playing well with others: interaction design and social design for augmented reality from Chi Nederland on Vimeo.

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Social Interaction Design for Augmented Reality at the Web and Beyond

June 3rd, 2010 — 12:00am

Thanks to all who came to the Muziekgebouw on a lovely early summer day to talk about the emerging engagement space of social augmented experiences for the third edition of The Web And Beyond conference in Amsterdam.

For reference, here’s the session description from the official program:

Augmented reality blends the real world and the Internet in real time, making many new kinds of proximity, context, and location based experiences possible for individuals and groups. Despite these many possibilities, we know from history that the long term value and impact of augmented reality for most people will depend on how well these experiences integrate with ordinary social settings, and support everyday interactions. Yet the interaction patterns and behavior we see in current AR experiences seem almost ‘anti-social’ by design. This is an important gap that design must close in order to create successful AR offerings. In other words, much like children going to school for the first time, AR must to learn to ‘play well with others’ to be valuable and successful. This presentation reviews the interaction design patterns common to augmented reality, suggests tools to help understand and improve the ’social maturity’ of AR products and applications, and shares design principles for creating genuinely social augmented experiences that integrate well with human social settings and interactions.

Social Interaction Design For Augmented Reality: Patterns and Principles for Playing Well With Others from Joe Lamantia

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