Tag: Projects

Joining Blogstreet

February 8th, 2005 — 12:00am

I’m exploring some blog tools, like blogstreet…

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Potential Service Interruptions

November 3rd, 2003 — 12:00am

JoeLamantia.com is mov­ing to a new host­ing provider over the next few days, and might be down from time to time while I migrate, upgrade, and rearchi­tect. Please bear with us dur­ing any tech­ni­cal difficulties…

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Minding the Gap – My First Exquisite Corpse

June 21st, 2002 — 12:00am

So it’s nice to see that my first exquis­ite corpse is com­plete, as I was won­der­ing how long it would be before I got to see the final result. What’s an exquis­ite corpse, you say? A sort of col­lage invented by the Sur­re­al­ists, wherein each per­son work­ing on a can­vas sees only a small por­tion of the work done before, and then passes on their con­tri­bu­tion to the next in line. Anony­mous col­lab­o­ra­tive processes always fas­ci­nate me, espe­cially when they expose how ten­u­ous con­text and mean­ing really are. I like the jux­ta­po­si­tion of irrel­e­vant ele­ments, the lunges for mean­ing across dis­con­ti­nu­ities, the idea of inter­rupted and altered mes­sages; there’s much to savor in a good corpse…
Here’s the link:


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