Design For Goals: JBoye09 Workshop Slides
I’ve posted the slides from my tutorial / workshop Design For Goals at JBoye 09 on slideshare: they’re embedded below.
The structure for this tutorial is part method review (on how to understand people’s goals in a structured way), and part sharing of re-usable patterns found after researching goals. Since the context of origin for both the goals and patterns was complex international finance, some translation of the raw materials and examples and the synthesized patterns into a realm closer to home for ordinary people is likely in order.
As you’re going through the slides, I suggest using your own activities that involve information finding and making substantial financial decisions as a reference. Not all the examples that I selected as the basis of exercises during the tutorial made across the cultural barrier between North America and Northern Europe: I was surprised at how many people (in a professional audience) have never bought house or car… Which proves yet again that this is one of the areas for user experience design to work on as a discipline.
And as we had a small, noisy, and rather warm room right after lunch, I should say big thanks to all the participants and volunteers – everyone – who made an effort to engage.
Even design education is a work-in-progress, it seems.
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