May 26th, 2004 — 12:00am
Courtesy of the media awareness and activism group
1. A handful of companies dominate
Five media conglomerates – Viacom, Disney, Time Warner, News Corp. and NBC/GE – control the big four networks (70% of the prime time television market share), most cable channels, vast holdings in radio, publishing, movie studios, music, Internet, and other sectors. [Consumers Union/Parents Television Council]
2. Big Media are a powerful special interest in Washington
Media companies intent upon changing the FCC media ownership rules have spent nearly $100 million on lobbying in the last 4 years. FCC officials have taken more than 2,500 industry-sponsored junkets since 1995, at a pricetag of $2.8 million. [Common Cause, Center for Public Integrity]
3. Consolidation fosters inferior educational programming.
After Viacom purchased the independent KCAL in Los Angeles, children’s programming plunged 89%, dropping from 26 hours per week in 1998 to three hours in 2003 (the minimum requirement set by Congress). TV stations air programs like NFL Under the Helmet and Saved by the Bell, claiming they meet educational programming requirements. [Children Now, FCC]
4. Cable rates are skyrocketing
Cable companies lobbied for and won deregulation in 1996, arguing that it would lower prices. Since then, cable rates have been rising at three times the rate of inflation. On average, rates have risen by 50%; in New York City, they’ve risen by 93.7%. [US PIRG]
5. Big Media profit from a money-dominated campaign finance system
In 2002, television stations earned more than $1 billion from political advertising – more than they earned from fast food and automotive ads. You were four times more likely to see a political ad during a TV news broadcast than an election-related news story. [Alliance for Better Campaigns]
6. Big Media use the public’s airwaves at no charge
The total worth of the publicly-owned airwaves that U.S. broadcasters utilize has been valued at $367 billion – more than many nations’ GDPs – but the public has never been paid a dime in return. And the broadcasters claim they can’t afford to be accountable to the public interest! [Alliance for Better Campaigns]
7. Independent voices are fading
Since 1975, two-thirds of independent newspaper owners have disappeared, and one-third of independent television owners have vanished. Only 281 of the nation’s 1,500 daily newspapers remain independently owned, and more than half of all U.S. markets are one-newspaper towns. [Writers Guild of America, East; Consumer Federation of America]
8. Consolidation is killing local radio
The number of radio station owners has plummeted by 34% since 1996, when ownership rules were gutted. That year, the largest radio owners controlled fewer than 65 stations; today, radio giant Clear Channel alone owns over 1,200. [FCC]
9. Consolidation threatens minority media ownership
Minority ownership – a crucial source of diverse and varied viewpoints – is at a 10-year low, down 14% since 1997. Today, only 4% of radio stations and 1.9% of television stations are minority-owned. [Writers Guild of America, East]
10. The free flow of idea and information is being stymied
No copyrighted work created after 1922 has entered the public domain – an incubator for new ideas – due to corporate-sponsored legislation extending copyright terms. If laws being considered today had been in effect a few generations ago, you wouldn’t have access to products such as VCRs and copy machines. [U.S. Copyright Office, FCC, Electronic Frontier Foundation]
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Comment » | The Media Environment
October 17th, 2003 — 12:00am
It’s my pleasure to announce the recent appearance of Information Architecture in two very different and most unexpected places.
The first is in leading policy journal Foreign Affairs, where the term is mentioned in a letter to the Editor by David Hoffman, President of Internews in the July / August 2003 issue. Why is it important that IA appear in a policy journal? Foreign Affairs is legitimately one of the most influential publications in the world, in that it constitutes a (nominally — decide for yourself as always) non-partisan and public forum for current and former world leaders, leading political theorists, and active members of major government and non-government organizations to discuss, debate, and decide national and international policy. Fro example, while many people both in America and abroad were taken by surprise when President Bush announced his administration’s doctrine of pre-emptive strikes against potentially threatening countries, readers of Foreign Affairs would have seen Condoleeza Rice outline her vision of the new American world order in some detail during the campaign — before Bush was elected, and she assumed the role of National Security Advisor. Hoffman’s use of the term information architecture (pg. 210) is broadly inclusive — he says, “Iraq now faces many challenges, among them to rebuild a credible information architecture and to train a new generation of journalists who can report fairly, objectively, and independently on that society.” — and the nature of his organization as in Internet-based free media project means it is less remarkable that he would employ the term than someone outside the Internet community like Madeline Albright, but it is nonetheless significant that IA is now seen as critical in a political context. Too often we focus on the business, academic, or even aesthetic contexts of IA. Yet if Information Architecture is to be as genuinely relevant a field as I suspect a majority of we who are its practitioners believe it capable of being in the very near future, then we must adovcate for it’s visibility and efficacy on the political level.
The second noteworthy appearance is in my home town of Canton, Ohio, in the form of a listing on seeking candidates for a full time job opening inside a local advertising agency. Canton is a medium-sized (population 90k) predominantly blue-collar former heavy manufacturing center known for two things; the Professional Football Hall of Fame, and a remarkably low cost of living (for example, a full 62% lower than Newton, MA, where I’m renting at the moment, according to the salary calculator available on The former means that for the one week each year preceding the induction of new members into the Hall of Fame, Canton becomes the capital of the professional football universe. The latter means that the suburbs north of Canton have become a rapidly growning bedroom community for upper middle class commuters working in the Akron and even Cleveland metro areas. By industry base, demographics, geography, and culture, Canton is quite literally the last place that I ever expected see a posting for an Information Architect’s position. And yet there it is: the agency in question (Innis Maggiore) happens to be one of the fastest growing advertising firms in Ohio, and a large proportion of those involved in the creation and management of information spaces now recognize the indispensable nature of IA.
I called Innis Maggiore to ask them about the opening, but haven’t been able to speak with them yet to find out how they identified the need, how many applicants they’ve had, and what level of quality the applicants demonstrate. I’ll post anything I learn further.
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