October 10th, 2008 — 12:00am
Trying out the Ask500People polling / survey / crowdsmarts (collective intelligence is too clean a term for this) service, I thought I’d throw out a complicated question, but ask for a simple answer.
In light of the collapse of American – and now global – financial markets [which are melting faster than the polar ice caps, if anyone’s interested in what may prove to be a telling environmental parallel with dire implications for our collective future], I’m wondering “Is American culture healthy?”
Here’s the responses so far – join in!
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July 20th, 2007 — 12:00am
Jung posited the idea of the collective unconscious (later refined, but a good point of departure). Do Daylife and similar stream aggregators / visualizers (I’m reaching for a handle to describe these entities) like Universe, point at what a collective conscious could be?

Some precursors might be Yahoo’s Taglines and TagMaps, Google Zeitgeist / Trends, and the various cloud style visualizations like cloudalicious, etc.
Plainly, the number and variety of tools and destinations for visualizing what’s on the mind of groups is growing rapidly.
If the parallelism holds, meaning Daylife and kin are themselves points of departure, where is this going? I’m not thinking of collective intelligence — just the visualization aspect, and how that may evolve.
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