A Tale of Three Dustbusters
What follows is a brief tale of customer distress and redemption, featuring a cast of characters including several well-known players in modern drama:
- Sir Quality Control Failure
- Queen Fickle CRM
- King Unstable Supply Chain Management
- the Sinister Duke Conflicting Master Data, who suffers from dissociative identity disorder
Fret not readers, for this yarn has a happy ending in a windfall for yours truly.
Chapter 1: Sir Quality Control Failure
For a brief period in 2005, JoeLamantia.com happily relied on a Dustbuster to help keep things neat and tidy. When the machine died suddenly after two months of service, we felt sadness at having placed faith in yet another defective consumer good. These feelings turned to relief when Black and Decker promised to send a replacement within “7 to 10 days”.
Chapter 2: Queen Fickle CRM
Four weeks went by. We called again: our records had been “lost”, so another order was placed. Emotionally unreliable CRM systems will sometimes decide to break up with you, but — lacking the confidence to tell you directly — leave you find out in awkward ways like this. Not to worry for us, however, we would have another dustbuster in “7 to 10 days”.
Chapter 3: King Chronically Unstable Supply Chain Management
Four weeks passed. When we called again, the ordering system was down for the weekend, and no information was available. While their enterprise class SCM system with five nines uptime was out, the magic of post-it notes — which rarely experience down time, except during periods of humid weather — allowed Black and Decker to assure us we would receive a replacement in “7 to 10 days”.
Chapter 4: Duke Conflicting Master Data
Four weeks passed, leaving JoeLamantia.com sorely in need of dustbusting capability. We called a fourth time, to learn our replacement was on back order, and would arrive in “7 to 10 days”. As a courtesy, we’d been upgraded to a more powerful model — presumably to help us pick up all the dust accumulated over the past three months.
Chapter 5: Windfall, and Happy Ending
The next day, we found three dustbusters, all different models, shipped from different places, with different order numbers, and different customer IDs on the labels, waiting on the front porch.
Category: Customer Experiences | Tags: customer_experience, customer_relationships, Enterprise, servicedesign One Comment »