Two New UX Books: Modular Web Design & Card Sorting

So many good books come out every year – even in the design and technology fields – that it’s hard to ‘make a selection’ as they say in Europe. To help through the difficult choices, let me suggest two new user experience books worth adding to your library.

modularwebdesignModular Web Design: Creating Reusable Components for User Experience Design and Documentation, by Nathan Curtis, of eightshapes fame. Components, frameworks, and modularity are near and dear to my heart (when applied in the right times and places for design purposes), so I can say with confidence that Modular Web Design is the best exploration of the what, how and why of modular design currently available. It should change the way you think about architecting experiences of all kinds, and – if you’re on board already – help you put this approach into practice with clear examples, advice, and guidance.

cardsorting-mdCard Sorting: Designing Usable Categories, from the good people at Rosenfeld Media. Card Sorting is a thorough treatment of one of the most flexible, affordable, and lightweight methods in the user experience toolkit. Use my tool, but for chapter and verse on card sorting, read Donna Spencer’s book.

Buy both, and enjoy!

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