Archive for August 2006

Moving announcement, recent work, events…

August 6th, 2006 — 12:00am

I’m pleased to announce an impending platform change for No, this isn’t a switch in blogging packages. It’s a move to New York (city!) that’s been in-progress for a while, and will take place at the end of the month (just a few weeks!). To make it seem a hard-won prize, I should note that we survived several heat waves and torrential downpours, in addition to facing the customary intensity of the New York real estate market. Tales of bravery aside, all the adventure leaves us very much looking forward to unpacking and settling in soon. Look for an impromptu sidewalk sale Brooklyn while the truck is unloaded, as we realize exactly what will and will not fit into our new (smaller!) home in lovely Brooklyn…
Beyond moving, lots of good stuff is happening. Some of the things I’ll try to catch up on and post on in more detail when life settles down:

  • Recent work with topic maps
  • Recent work designing a faceted classification system and faceted browsing experience
  • Potential ways to quickly refine and evaluate a facet system by involving users – including customers – in iterative facet design and prototyping
  • Planning for the first stages of an enterprise metadata effort
  • A tag cloud related project that will (I hope, pending my travel schedule…) launch soon. Call to action: I’ve recruited one brave soul to help with this effort already, but there are many others with very interesting things to say on the subject of tag clouds – please drop me a line if you’d like to be involved.

There are some very interesting IA-related events coming up: Oz-IA, EURO IA, and IDEA 2006 (I’ll be at this one). Too many good events for my travel budget, but having many good choices is a much better dilemma than having none at all…

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